is very similar to concept of Tao. For Nagarjuna, the ultimate Reality is inde'scribable, beyond categories of thought, nameless and calm. It is neither Shunya nor ashunya, nor both nor neither. But, to indicate its existence, to make others to understand (prajnaptyartham), it is called 'Shunya' (M.K.]
Tao is all pervasive
Lao Tzu says: "There is a thing inherent and natural, Which existed before heaven and earth. Motionless and fathomless,
It stands alone and never changes, It pervades everywhere and never becomes exhausted." (chapter 25)
Again, he says, 'the great or the supreme Tao pervades everywhere, both on the left and on the right'. (chapter 34)
Yang Hsiung (53 B.C.E. to 18 A.D.) says, 'the supremely profound principle (Tao) deeply permeates all species of things, but its physical form cannot be seen -----Tao covers heaven and supports earth. It is the extent of four quarters of the universe and the dimensions of eight points firmaments. There is no limit to its height and its depth is unfathomable. It encloses heaven and earth and endorse things with there nature before they are being formed."
It is said that once master Tung Kwo asked Chuang Tzu, 'Show me where the Tao is found'. In reply, Chuang Tzu said:
"There is no where, it is not to be found.
Tao is Great (Supreme) in all things, Complete in all, Universal in all, Whole in all.
These three aspects are one, distinct,
But the Reality is One. Therefore come with me, To the place of nowhere, Where all the many things are One. There at least we might speak Of what has no limitation and no end." (Taoism, p.238-239.).