Peace establishment is not so easy. There are several causes to disturb peace. First of all, the causes, which lie- at the root of conflicts, which disturbed peace between men and men, communities, nations, should be eliminated as far as possible. Through sympathetic, deep and open-minded comparative study of the sacred scriptures of all religions, which reveals essential unity, cause of conflict can be eliminated. To avoid conflicts, we have to emphasize the points of agreement between the religions, instead of highlighting the differences. It is a fact that so long as men and women of different religions are taught or encouraged to believe that religions essentially differ; they will continue to differ, fight to shed each others blood. Contrary, if they are encouraged and taught to believe that all religions are one is essentials, they will also surely become one in mind and heart, and realize their common humanity in a loving brotherhood. What happened is minute differences are always far too much stressed and acted on, to great harm of mankind, similar points are completely ignored to their loss. In the interest of peace and harmony difference are to be ignored, to their loss. In the interest of peace and harmony difference are to be ignored, to be regarded as superficial, non-essential and resemblances, similarities, commonness are to be considered as core and essence. Essential points on which all religions agree should be given far more importance and be regarded as very core of truth for practical purpose of promoting mutual good understanding and peace, all over the world. It is always better to see good points in all religions rather than the bad, better to understand and appreciate than to ridicule, better to see agreements more than differences. This will remove misunderstanding among followers of different faith and this attitude will eliminate that class of people, who think that their faith is unique, the one and only the best, the savior of mankind, there can never be another equally good. Instead of quarreling or arguing about superiority or inferiority of particular religion, we should promote religious brotherhood and peace among the common people by saying that all religions are equally derived from the universal, eternal, the One omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient Supreme Reality or God. To remove misunderstanding among the different religious communities, what is very much needed is that, true representatives of all the great religions, with open mind should come together, bring out common text of universal religion expounding common points systematically and illustrating them amply and showing parallel passages from several scriptures of different religions.
It is true that total unity of all religions is not possible, because the principle of multiplicity is beauty of nature. No two faces, bodies, voices, etc. are exactly similar. But all the same, there is a broad general similarity too, between all human beings. This general broad similarity