term. The term originally means endeavor, striving and struggle. It is war against our own internal enemies, such as passions, anger, greed, jealousy, etc. It denotes efforts towards spiritual upliftment, struggle against one's own evil inclinations or efforts towards the moral uplift of society. Islamic pious and mystic people put the emphasis on spiritual moral Jihad. So Islam is for peace.
Judaism states that what is hurtful to yourself, do not do to your fellow men. That is the entire Law, all the rest is commentary', go and learn it. [Talmud, Shabbat, 312] It also states that 'May the Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace' [Nm. 6:26]. The Talmud declares that The whole of Torah i.e the whole of Judaism is for the sake of the ways of peace? [Tractate hittin59B).
Zoroastrianism says that 'All men and women should mutually love one another and live in peace as brothers and sisters, bound by the indestructible hand of humanity'. “The nature is only good when it shall not do unto another whatever is not good for its own self. (Dadistan - I - dink. 94.5]
Confucianism preaches that seek to be in harmony with all your neighbours. Live in peace with your brethren. Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you' [Anaclects. Xv 23]. It says 'is there anyone maxim ought to be acted upon throughout one's whole life? Surely the maxim of loving kindness is such.
Taoism says 'the good ruler seeks peace and not war and he rules by persuasion rather than by force'. Regard your neighbour's gain as your own gain and regard your neighbour's loss as your own loss [T'ai Shang kan Ying P’ien).
Shintoism declares The earth shall be free from trouble and we shall live in peace under the protection of the divine'.
Bahaism states Today there is no greater glory for men and women than that of service in the cause of the most 'Great Peace'. War is death, while peace is life'. The brief survey of these sayings of all religions show that their aim is to live in peace and Golden rule is the common principle of all religions. It can therefore, be safely concluded that the various religions of the world are in favour of peace. If the followers of various religions sincerely follow essence of their religion and live the Golden rule, one of the major foundations for peace would be laid. The promotion of violence to an innocent person is the very opposite of any religion. No religion preaches or encourages violence. The religion that teaches violence or war is to that extent a travesty; a negation of what religion is about. The only religion worthy of the name is the religion that leads to peace. A crime committed in the name of religion is a crime