Sri Aurobindo, “Sapta Chatusthaya - Scribal Version" in "The Record of Yoga," Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo Vol. 11 (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, 2001) pp. 1472-73. Plato, “Apology of Socrates,” 31c-d, 40a in John Burnet, Plato: Euthyphro, Apology of Socrates, Crito (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924), pp. 16-17. Sri Aurobindo, "Sapta Chatusthaya - Scribal Version," Op. cit. Sri Aurobindo, "Sapta Chatusthaya" in "The Record of Yoga," Complete Works of Sri Aurobindo Vol. 10 (Pondicherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, 2001) p. 17.
Sri Aurobindo, "Sapta Chatusthaya - Scribal Notes," Op. cit.
"The timeless Infinite holds in itself, in its eternal truth of being, beyond this manifestation, all thatit manifests in Time. Its time consciousness too is itself infinite and maintains in itself at once in a vision of totalities and of particularities, of mobile succession or moment sight and of total stabilising vision or abiding whole sight what appears to us as the past of things, their present and their future." Sri Aurobindo, Chapter XXV, "Towards the Supramental Time-Vision” in “The Synthesis of Yoga," Op. cit., p. 885. "...a mind, not of original ignorance, but of self-forgetful knowledge. This mind is conscious that the knowledge of all things is hidden within it or at least somewhere in the being, but as if veiled and forgotten, and the knowledge comes to it not as a thing acquired from outside, but always secretly there and now remembered and known at once to be true,-each thing in its own place, degree, manner and measure." Sri Aurobindo, "Towards the Supramental Time Vision," Op. cit., p. 887 Sri Aurobindo, “Isha Upanishad,” Op. cit., p. 5. Ibid., p. 13. Sri Aurobindo, "Isha Upanishad,” Op. cit., p.6, fn.4. Ibid., p. 14.
"H..he would cast off his mind sheath and life sheath as he had already cast off his body sheath: but the essence of the personality and its mental, vital and physical experiences would remain in latent memory or as a dynamic potency for the future.” Sri Aurobindo, “The Life Divine," Op. cit., p. 832