the immortal prayer of the Upanisad is: 'O, Supreme Reality (God),
From the unreal lead me to the Real, From the darkness lead me to the Light. From the death lead me to the Immortality'. [Asato mā sadgamaya, Tamaso mā jyotirgamaya, Mrtyormā amệtangamaya- Brhadāranyaka Upanişasd 1.3.28]
Vedic religion declares the essential unity of all human beings. The Divine power, which permeates the entire universe, is found in the heart of every human being[īśvarah sarvabhūtānām hrddeśerjuna tisthatiBhagavadgita - XVIII.61). The Divinity is inheret in every individual and thus all are born divine. Every individual who is born with human consciousness partakes of this great divine potential. There is essentially, no difference between individual to individual, because same divine consciousness flows in all. Similarly, there is no difference between individual self and universal Salf, ultimateiy, because essential nature of both is pure consciousness and same divine power is inside and outside of all. The Upanisadic statements such as 'That thou art' [ Tattvamasi - Chāndogya Upanişad. VIII.7); “I am the Brahman',( Aham Brahmäsmi.Brhadāranyaka Upanisad.1.3.10);
"This ātman is Brahman' [Ayamātmā Brahma.- Māndūkya Upanisad.-2), make it very clear that at spiritual height there is essentially no difference between individual self and Universal Self.
The holistic attitude towards the universe and all living beings naturally lead the Vedic culture to conceive the idea that the whole world is an exended family. Manu clearly says that,' To the large hearted, entire universe is one famlily (Udaracaritānām tu Vasudhaiva kutumbakam - Manusmrti). All living beings are the members of a single world family on account of common spirituality. We are all children of that glorious one Supreme Consciousness (Amstasya putrāh]. We are all brothers and sisters in blood. Entire universe is a nest to live in (Viśvam Bhavatyekaneedam - Rgveda). This idea of belonging to one whole family eliminates the possibility of sense of separateness or duality, which is root cause of fear, conflict and hatred [ dvitīyādvai bhayam bhavati]. Feeling of unity, feeling of oneness generates love and brotherhood and brings everlasting peace. This is the reason why one of the oldest Upanisadic texts --- īśāvāsya Upanişad asks us to see one's own self in everything and everything in one's own self. Once this unity is realized, there is no sorrow, no grief, no delusion, and no hatred. Peace Prevails in the heart of every being. [Yastu sarvāni bhūtāni ātmanyevānupaśyati. Sarvabhūtesu cātmānam tato nuvijugupsate. Yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāni ātmaivābhūd vijānatah. Tatra ko mohah kah śokah ekatvamanupaśyataḥ - Iśāvāsya