The Vaidikadharma and Its Holistic Approach
- Prof. Dr. Yajneshwar S. Shastri India has been the originating ground for many great religions, like Vaidikadharma, Bauddadharma, Jainadharma and Sikhadharma. The Vaidikadharma is the oldest of them all. The history of Vaidikadharma goes back to remote past, where determination of its date has become impossible for the scholars. Vaidikadharma, in fact, is the oldest of all great religions of the world. It is called Vaidikadharma because it is based on the universal truth and knowledge taught by the Vedas, which are foundational Scriptures of Vedic civilization. Vaidikadharma is not a religion, not a dogma, not a cult in narrow sense. It is a culture. It is a great civilization. It is also called 'Sanātanadharma'. The word Sanātana means 'etenal', and 'Dharma' means eternal truth, righteousness, moral law, faith, religion and duty. It is embodiment of eternal truth, so it is called Sanātanadharma." This is mighty law of the life, great principle of human evolution, a body of spiritual knowledge and experience” [Sri Aurobindo, Uttarapara Speech, p.5]. In the context of Vaidikadharma, it is necessary to analyse the word 'Dharma’. In Vedic culture, the word 'Dharma' does not just mean 'religion' [ as often translated], it is far more comprehensive and different from the term ‘religion', which is governed by the taboos, commandments and dogmas laid down for all time. The word 'Dharma' is derived from the Sanskrit root dhr, which means 'to uphold', 'to support', to sustain', 'to nourish' and in the broadest sense, this word is used for the universal laws of nature that uphold the cosmos. It is the firm foundation on which the entire universe is established [Dharmo viśvasya jagatah pratisthāMahānārāyana Upanisad. 79.7]
Dharma basically means the principle, the discipline, the way which helps to sustain the life of individual and life of society. The meaning futher broadens to the degree that it becomes the principle that sustains the system of this universe. It is that fundamental universal principle which upholds the people, brings people together, irrespective of their religion,race,sex and creed. [Dhāranāt dharma ityāhuh dharmo dhārayati prajāḥ Mahābhārata).Dharma, in its deeper sense means, Sat - the existence, that 'tat' the very essence of one's being. Dharma, as a path implies righteous path, 'righteous behaviour, and way of life, which helps us to reveal this fundamental principle in us. In this sense, Dharma implies such concepts as justice, virtues, morality, religious rites, ceremonies, observances, duties and obligations of men and women, laws, customs and even manners of society. In other words, it is righteous path, righteous behaviour and way of life which helps us to progress in life and realize fundamental truth in us. Dharma is that principle which is the means