The next one is faith. It plays a key role in the life of a man. Faith is the essence of Religion. It includes devotion, good thoughts, descipline etc. Religion bereft of faith is like a flower deprived of its fragrance. Prof.Advard clearly puts this point that "the essence of Religion is faith in the conservation of values.” Another scholar, George Geloway, puts the definition of Religion that Religion is "man's faith in a power beyond himself whereby, he seeks to satisfy emotional needs and gain stability of life and which he expresses in acts of worship and service."13 Because of this good faith in the words of sages, the words of God, the words of religious thinkers a man starts cherishing good desires towards others which ultimately leads to the deep service to Humanity. He nourishes good thoughts in his minds for the society, for the Humanity, if only he stands on the bedrock of faith. That is why Bhagavan Krisna says - "I accept their (devotees) gifts because they are offered to me in truth, in sincerity and in earnestness. I do not care what words they mutter; I see into their hearts. I try to find out what exactly it is that they offer."14 It is this faith that accelerates our interest to seek for the services to Humanity. Swamy Vivekananda says - "we should not accept any kind of religion .which did not believe in service to humanity." (Our Heritage - Dr. S. Rādhākrishnan - p.88) Thus, faith constitutes a sound foundation for religion.
The next one is Truthfulness. Some people may not believe in God, but they do believe in Truth. The words of Mahatma Gandhi anent Truth endorse the niceitis of Religion with special reference to Truth. “I used to say 'I believe in God', now I say 'I believe in Truth'. God is Truth" that is what I was saying and today I say Truth is God. There are people who deny God. There are no people who deny Truth.” A member of universal religion must rely upon these true words of Upanisad. “Truth alone conquers, not untruth. By truth is laid out the path leading to the Gods, by which the sages who have their desires fulfilled travel to where that supreme abode of truth is."15
Jesus supports the same and says - "Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” (John-VIII-32) It is this magnanimous virtueous point that helps us a great deal to approach fast the God; to reach Him and to realize His peculiar nature. It also refines our speech, bread and brain.
The last one is non-hatred. Generally, people are in the habit of hating neighbours, enemies, relatives etc. They try to nourish evil thoughts against some people. This is indicated by anger. Anger is an emotion to which everybody, in this world, becomes victim every now and then or in one or the other context. It kills the face value of a man whereas abstaining from anger increases the face value of a man. The Akrodha can partially be included in endurance. But, the teaching behind using this as a seperate virtue is "not to get angry". It is to advise that anger