"conceived as ends" and is manifested through various actions and objects are directed as means', in different experiential states of human relations.
Regarding the nature of this relation of humanity and divinity as relation of individuality and universality, expressing socio-cultural union in human existence, there is a controversy among different system of thoughts and cultures in the world. Some put an importance on the personal and emperical or mere experiential aspects that make this relation finite or limited. Some others emphasise the impersonal or infinite aspect and explain this relation as transcendent or absolute. Sometimes this type of absolutistic idea can be compared to the extreme absolutistic or non-dualistic concept which emphasises the negative aspects of reality and explain the human relation as negative or apparent. Shankara, the Indian Absolutist or Non-dualist, takes human existence and human relation as unreal as these are mere products and thus are not finally real. But as human life and humanistic relation in this world, are taken as real with the expression of universality which is the impulse for human beings towards perfection, the socio-cultural programme in modern society puts less emphasis upon the idea of empty Absolute or Abstract Idealism. So there is a development of concrete Absolutism in Culture that accept the organic relation between individuality and universality. This is a concrete programme of manifesting universality as divinity in human situation, so in turn is realising it beyond individuality. But both are operative in a transcendent - experiential milieu, where the relation between the two as confronted orders are found together as functional.
If the inner essence of culture is carefully examined it is observed that this type of humanistic relation of individuality and universality can be possible when the individual man, through disinterested-works in uncondititonal love and service for others, can manifest his potential universality and thus realises universal man in him. This state of manifestation of universality in man, expresses his humanist nature in a very concrete form and establishes an organic relation in and through the human beings and the finite world. This idea of organic relation between the manifest universality in the individual, and the adventure of the individual towards it in a concrete form, reconciles concrete and dual processes in confornted human situation where the universality is fully manifest with possibilities.
Regarding this programme, Hegel, following idealistic view, presented through the western culture, also points out that there is a dialectic movement of universal reason in and through the finite existences and this movement is the evolutionary progress of universal ideal, manifested