ment, the Madhurabhāva, the approach in which God is the lover and the devotee the beloved...'15
Lastly, one would like to conclude with a Vedic prayer which characterises the essence of Vedic bhakti: Gāyanti tvā gāyantrino frcantyarkamarkinah Brahmänastvā satakrata udvamsamive yemire. (SV, 1344) i.e., O Lord with hundred names, The chanters chant of thee, and to thee the singers sing their song,
and those who pray, raise thee O Lord, as they raise a beam to the house.
(Primary Sources) Rgveda (RV) with English translation by Svami Satya Prakash, Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidyalankara, New Delhi: Veda Pratishthana, Arya Samaj Mandir Marg, 1996. Yajurveda (YV) with English translation by Svami Satya Prakash, Sarasvati and Udaya Vir Viraj, New Delhi: Veda Pratishthana, Arya Samaj Mandir Marg, 1996. Sāmaveda (SV) with English translation by Svami Satya Prakash, Sarasvati and Satyakam Vidyalankara, New Delhi: Veda Pratishthana, Arya Samaj Mandir Marg, 1995.
Atharvaveda (AV) with English translation by Svami Satya Prakash, Sarasvati and Udaya Vir Viraj, New Delhi: Veda Pratishthana, Arya Samaj Mandir Marg, 1996.
Satapatha Brahmana (SB): according to the text of the Madhyandin
School, translated by Julius Eggeling, Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas, 1978. 6. Nighantu and The Nirukta by Lakshman Sarup, Delhi: Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers, 2002 (Reprint). Mimaṁsāsūtras of Jaimini, Translated in English by N.V. Thadani, Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, 2007.
(Secondary Sources)