Motirāma Prajāpati, Bhāvanā Soni and Līnā Pandita. When I was transferred to the Gujarat College, Ahmedabad in 1970,1 used to utilize this faculty for the benefit of the local devotees of Pujya Shri Mahārājshri and recite the mantras during the weekly sessions of meditation at the residence of Shri Bhānubhāi Mehta near Swastik crossroads in Ahmedabad.
However, when, after going abroad. Pujya Shri Mahārājshri gave the inheritance of the Sakti-pāta power to Kum. Āśābahena (now known as Anandīmā), I have stopped using that faculty in due deference to Pūjya Shri Mahārājshri.
After a few years of my receiving the Śaktipāta, once Shri Guruji came to Ahmedabad, lodged in the house of Shantilal Panchal in Shahibag, and started the religious vow of performing the Navarātra, during the first nine months of the month of Cairtra. I went to have the holy darśana of Guruji and, on my way back home, I suddenly decided to myself take up a vow of performing the Navarātra ceremony devoted to Bhagavan Ramacandraji and Hanumānaji. For that I purchased a coconut and installed it in the inner room of my residence (No. J/3) in the Ten Bunglows Government Colony at the Gulbai Tekra in Ahmedabad.
I used to start the anusthāna at 0.15 a.m. and continued it till about 2.30 a.m. during which I muttered the Rama-mantra to the extent of 108 mālās, and the Gupta-cālīsā 12 times. This went on as usual for the first eight days. But, on the ninth day as I was about to finish the last two of three recitations of the Gupta-cālīsā, there was a sudden and strange change in the atmosphere that permeated with strange magnetism and I felt the very presence of Hanumānaji at my back, sitting in the room with his head touching the ceiling! I expected that Hanumānajī would appear in front of me the next day. But, at the moment Hanumānaji appeared with the change of the atmosphere, there arose a sharp scream from the next room, where my wife Niranjana and my elder daughter Hasmita were suddenly awakened. And, I at once got up from my seat leaving the anusthāna incomplete, to just console and help my wife and daughter. And, that was all! Even then, I continued my daily devotion as usual, which included the adoration of Ganesa, Sarasvatī, Gāyatri, Rāmacandrajī and Hanumānaji.
After some time, I happened to meet with the famous Aghori saint named Rāmanātha Aghorī, the celebrated Guru of king Mahendra of Nepal. He initiated me with the Aghora-mantra, and taught me the system of the adoration of Siva. Later on under the guidance of my friends Jagadhishbhai Dave and Atmaram Prajapati, I performed the vow of reading the Candlpātha 1008 times, by performing one pātha daily for three years. In about 1979, I was serving as a Professor of Sanskrit (G.E.S. Class I) and the Head of the Sanskrit Department in the Gujarat College,