being a cultural construct, it is a 'meaning giving activity and has a sociocultural semantic realm. Humans are powerful semantic engines. Humans also have a high level of inferential potential cultural content do provide the possibility of the evolution of cognition as they are not just readymade product of our brain nor of a fantacy. We owe our rational and ethical stance, to something, other than the mechanism of perception. It is poly- Ontological with different validity claims for different realms. Bhakti bing a socio-cultural phenomena, has the potential to transcend the religious and cultural properties or dictates of tradition.
The congnitive revolution in Bhakti provides the ontological change in the status of mental representation. Ontological change in perception provides the change in the interpretation of the world.
The Phenomena of Bhakti is a meaning constructing process. It is a' process of World making Through cognitive and cultural revolution or transcendence. Bhakti has the potential to create virtual world. This virtual world created by Bhakti has substantial influence upon human history and has the potential to construct the new Archeology of knowledge.
Gandhijee's 'Prarthna Sabha' is a Galant episode which has changed, liberated and revolutionized India through Bhakti. Bhakti as 'The cybernatics of the Holy has the potential to regulate, correct, govern and qualitatively transcend Humanity.