"The concept of forgiveness no longer falls solely under the umbrella of religious thought. Social scientists are beginning to recognize the powerful practical and therapeutic benefits that forgiveness offers in a broken and isolated world 20"
I fully agree with her and will talk about the experimented and proven facts about the innumerous benefits of this significant virtue.
Apart from the above mentioned examples here are a few political instances that reveal the significance of Forgiveness. FORGIVENESS AND HEALTH
Can there be a connection between forgiveness and health? A growing body of research reveals that those who are forgiving not only have improved relationships, but fewer health problems and lower incidence of the most serious illnesses. A GLIMPSE ON RESEARCH CARRIED OUT ON FORGIVENESS
Carl Thoresen Ph.D Professor of Education, Psychology and Psychiatry at Stanford University
It was observed that those who maintained grievances, hurts, resentments and negativity within - projected alterations in the psychological and physiological processes. In fact they evidenced the personal benefits of "letting go" attitude towards grievances!l.
Dr.Thoresen states that people who replace anger, hostility, and hatred with forgiveness will have better cardiovascular health and fewer longterm health problems. Dr. Everette 1. Worthington
A clinical psychologist in Virginia opines, "Forgiveness has long been extolled by religions, but only recently has it become the focus of medical research. Not only does the act of forgiving bring about an ease of mind, but also a myriad of positive physical effects, such as reduced blood pressure and the lessening of depression and anger, all of which ease pressure on the heart.12
Dr.Frederic Luskin
A researcher at Stanford states," Holding on to anger for too long, or even keeping revengeful attitude can affect a person's emotional as well as physical health. Anger produces stress that affects the Blood Pressure and successively the Cardiovascular System.
He explains and adds, "When the body releases certain enzymes during anger and stress, cholesterol and blood pressure levels go up. 13