Arjuna is a thinking man, he feels concerned about even those who are standing in the enemy. Every thinking man is very likely to come across such conflicting situations in life, sooner or later. Incidentally Duryodhana has no such conflict as he had not come to be a thinking being like Arjuna, Lord Krishna has no conflict & dejection as he has gone beyond the level of thinking. Arjuna, feeling helpless, confused & perplexed, asks Krishna;
.... youlli cai 14446 #a: 1 T-912: PG-fifera i fer a À ll (2/7) न हि प्रपश्यामि मम-अपनुद्यात् यत-शोक-उच्योषणम् इन्द्रियाणाम् (२।८)
..... 7 zire sfa" mfa-c4 - 34611 young aya . || (2/9) "I do not know my duty, I ask you to tell me what is proper for me to do. I am unable to see what can remove my distress that is drying up my senses. I shall not fight." Arjuna becomes silent, depression is complete.
The teacher, the psychologist, Lord Krishna, takes up the treatment of disciple Arjuna. It is important to note how the Lord initiated to address Arjuna who is in deep delusion & dejection;
तम-उवाच हृषीकेशः प्रहसन्-इय भारत । het:-34271: a faute-74-57Qa: II (2/10) अशोचयान्-अन्यशोच-त्वम् प्रज्ञावादान्-च भाषसे। Tal7-37 ALF-a 7-39131afa yfusa: 11 (2/11)
Some commentators opine here that the Lord addressed Arjuna 'mocking as it were'. It does not appear to be correct. I write from personal experience. When one of my Master once remarked about me, with smile on his face & in presence of other disciples, that I slipped into depression frequently, I felt almost instantaneously that my depression has deepened further. The remark got perceived as with sarcastic intent. I never felt encouraged to meet the master anymore. Contrarily, I had a wise superior of mine, with the name Randhir Singh. I had worked with him previously. On hearing about my resignation in 1988, out of deep dejection, he called me over telephone in a concerned compassionate voice, "I know you are an outstanding worker, capable of handling any given responsibility. Tell me what exactly is the reason behind your resignation?" He eventually succeeded in bringing me out of the devastating crisis of my life!
I, therefore, choose to say that the Lord made a piercing observation, but with great compassion, reflected in smile on His face that Arjuna spoke wise words but grieved for those who did not so deserve. There is no scope to suggest any 'mocking' or 'sarcastic' gesture here.