passing notice. As a resume of the above, it is clear that the Vedic hymns proclaim universal brotherhood, harmony and integrity to achieve the goal of 'United human family'.
The concept of united human family was much more popularised in the post-Vedic classics. For, the two epoch-making sages Valmiki and Vyasa blessed the human race with the two monumental epics - the Rāmāyaṇa and the Mahabharata; which have eternal social values. The dictum - 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam'
अयं निजः परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम् । उदारचरितानां तु “वसुथैवकुटुम्बकम्" ॥
-would suffice to prove the universality of the epics, and it gainedsuch a wide popularity in the later classics that the anthologies of Subhasitas like Subhashita ratnākara, Subhashita sudhanidhi, Padyaracanã, Saduktikarṇāmṛita, Sanngadhara Paddhati and the works like Hitopadeśa have incorporated this verse in some context or the other.
We are in the new millennium, an age of the emerging world society. As Dr. S. Radhakrishnan rightly observes, 'Buddhists proclaim that they wish to see a brotherhood established on earth. Christianity tells us of one family on earth. So does Islam - one God and one brotherhood on earth'. Our ancient seers and prophets have long before spoken of one family on earth."
माता च पार्वती देवी पिता देवो महेश्वरः । बान्धवाः मानवाः सर्वे स्वदेशो भुवनत्रयम् ॥
(Goddess Parvati is the mother and Lord Siva, the Father. We are children of the same parents, and therefore we belong to one family). The world as Dr. S. Radhakrishnan rightly remarks, 'craves for fellowship. The spirit of India from the time of Ṛgveda till today, asks to move together to develop common ideals and purposes" 'Sangacchadhvam'... as already given above in the Sanjñāna Sūkta.
The advancement of science and technology could of course succeed in bringing about a physical unification of the world. But there should be a cultural unity. The world has become one today. The feeling of belonging to one whole' should be instilled in the minds of young people. For, it is the ideas that move the world. To conclude with the words of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, "it is the right ideas and the right kind of indoctrination will mean the betterment of the world".8