Dashakitavaditvamadhiyata [ke." Self or 'Jiva' is the part of Paramatma, the God. The reason is that in Upanishath both difference and nondifference between Jivatma and Paramatma (Self and God) are explained here and there. (Br. Su. 2. 3. 43). The essence of Vishisthadvaita philosophy is as follows - all living creatures are the part of God. For instance, there is a tree; the tree has leaves, flowers, fruits, nuts, sprouts, twigs and branches. A leaf is not tree. And likewise the tree is not the leaf. That means there is no nondifference between a leaf and the tree. That is there "is" difference. That means, each element such as leaf , flower is a part of the tree. But isn't the tree totally one ? In this sense there is non-difference. Similarly all living, non-living things on the earth are a part of His existence. That means each one of them is a part of His physique. But in total they together form One single entity i.e. He. As, both the separation and non-separation of "self" (Jiva) and the Absolute (Paramatma) are attributed in Upanishaths, we have to interpret them in this way. Shri Shankara argues this in his adhikarana. In the Bhagavadgita, Lord Krishna says
ममैवांशो जीवलोके जीवभूतः सनातनः ।
मनः षष्ठानीन्द्रियाणि प्रकृतिस्थानिकर्षति ॥ (The living being (Jiva) who is from the time immemorial wandering in the world of animals, is part of Ishwar or the Absolute being. When the living being moves from one body to another he carries along with him senses such as mind and others, which are under the control of Nature or Prakriti)
In this context also Shri Shankara while interpreting the Geeta, argues the same point explained above. In the “Vishnu Shatpadi” stotra, Shri Shankara tells as follows :
सन्यपि भेदापगमे नाथ तवाहं नमामकीनस्त्वम् ।
सामुद्रोहि तरङ्ग वचन समुद्रो न तारङ्गः ॥ There are innumerable waves in an ocean. They are not different or separate from the ocean. Similarly there is the ocean of God. Every wave of the ocean is a living being or Jiva. These living beings are not separate from God. The unification of living beings and God is just as a wave becomes one with the ocean or the ocean with waves. We can't fill an ocean in a wave. Just like that, God is the Ocean. We, a part of Him, are the waves. This is what is clearly narrated in the above quotation of Shri Shankara. As long as one has the consciousness of being a 'self or a separate living being, the living being is a part of the Absolute Being.
The following is quoted by many a learned scholar as what Shri Anjaneya told Shri Ramachandra.