Shri Shankara Bhagavatpada: The Master Harmoniser
- H.H. Gangadhavanndra Swamiji
His Holiness Shri Shankaracharya was a Samanvayacharya, a Master Harmoniser in seven different senses:
1. Harmoniser of Deities,
2. Harmoniser of Spiritual Schools,
Harmoniser of Philosophical Schools,
4. Harmoniser of the Ancient and the Modern,
5. Harmoniser of Bhakti (Devotion), Jnana (knowledge) and Rajayoga,
6. Harmoniser of Castes,
7. Harmoniser of Geographical areas.
The word 'harmony' is much in vogue in modern days. What is the meaning of the word 'Samanvaya'?
Certain things in this world appear to be mutually opposed. Blending or Harmonizing even such apparently opposite elements is "Samanvaya".
For instance, cat-dog, snake-mongoose, all these are enemies by birth. If they stay in an ashram of a great sage they forget their in-born enmity and live together. "Ahimsa Pratisthayantat sannidhou Vairatyagah". If, "Ahimsa", one of the elements of the first principle (Yoga Sutra - 2, 3, 5) of Asthanga yoga - "Yama" is mastered fully, at the feet of a great yogi, all creatures lose their mutual enmity in his presence. This kind of harmonizing ability is "Samanvaya".
Shri Shankara Bhagavatpad was a "Samanvayacharya". The reason for choosing this topic is the context today, it is the fifth day of Vaishakha (Vaishakha Shuddha Panchami), the birthday of Shri Shankaracharya, it coincides with the birthday of Shri Basaveshwara. The birthday of Shri Ramanuja does also occur in Vaishaka. Still more birthdays of great souls occur in that month. But the more known ones are those of Shri Basavanna and Sri Ramanuja. Shri Basaveshwar was a Veerashaiva, Shri Ramanuja was a VeeraVaishnava. They haven't used the word "Veera" - brave warrior, with their names. But it is we who have used that adjective with them. The reason is that their devotion to their Deities - Lord Shiva / Lord Vishnu is so austere.
But Shri Shankara was a harmoniser of Hari and Hara. His devotion to Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva was strong and unshakable. He had not lagged behind in either of them. He was such a harmoniser.