Bani Sengupta, "Spirituality, Science and Technology for world Peace and Prosperity", Spirituality, Science and Technology, Edited by Arun Mishra, Indian Philosophical congress, 2000, New delhi, p.48. S.R. Sharda, Sufi Thought, (Munshiram Monoharlal Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 19980), p.17. Seyyed Hossein Nasr, Sufi Essays, George Allen and Unwin Ltd., London, 1972), p- 123. Ibid, pp.43-44. Annemarie Schimmel, Mystical Dimensions of Islam, (The University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, 1975), p187.
i oso o
The Holy Quran, xxxviii: 75. ibid., p. xv:29, xxxviii:72. ibid., xcvi:2.
ibid., xxiii:12-14. ibid.,xli:53. ibid., ii:31.
Ibid, xcv:4-5.
Annemarie Schimmel, op. cit., p.190. A.M.A. Shustury, Outlines of Islamic Culture, (Bangalore, 1954), p. 405.
Seyyed Hossein Nasr, op. cit, pp. 46-47.
Ibid, p.47.
Ibid, p. 51.
17. 18.
Md. Sirajul Islam," National Integration in the Light of Sufism", National Integration Problems in Perspective, edt. By P. Jash, (Indira Gandhi Centere for National Integration, Visva Bharati , 1995),p. 78. And vide also Sufism and Bhakti- A Comparative Study, (The Council for Research in Values and Philosophy, Washington, D.C., 2004), p.5-55. ibid. pp. 78-79. N.H. Ansari, "The Relevance of Sa'di to the Modern Times" (article),
19. 20.