A Sufi is a human being. They believe that Man is the highest creation of the universe; hence he has some greater responsibilities towards all creatures. Man and his position in Islam as well as in Sufism is a subject of endless controversies. Some say man is considered as the vicegerent of God (khalifah tullah) in the world. Some others also are saying that man is a slave of God (bandah), 5 hence, he is nothing but an instrument of eternal fate. According to the holy Quran man was created by the hands of God (khalaqal Adama beyadehi) and he gave him life and spirit by breathing into him with His own breath (nafaktu mirruhi alal adama).' He (God) created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood. In another verse He again depicts the same idea as Man We did create from a quintessence of clay then We placed him as a (drop of) sperm in a place of rest firmly fixed; then We made the sperm into congealed blood; & then of that clot we made a (fetus) lump; then We made out of that lump bones and clothed the bones with flesh. The lowly origin of the animal in man is with the high destiny offered to him in his intellectual, moral and spiritual nature by his most bountiful creator. Again the holy Quran says, and we will show them Our signs in the horizons and in themselves. 10 In the Tradition the Prophet maintains, He (God) created Adam in His image (Khalaqal Adam' ala suratihi) 11 and He taught Adam the names and became master of all creatures. He is composed of body, mind and soul and each need to be integrated on its own free will, love and the power of individuation. Although, the body is a most outward aspect of man, having its own objective existence and mode of action, it is not the greatest obstacle to obtain integration. Man is usually contemplative as well as active creatures that possess spiritual and phenomenal capabilities. Both state that man is a microcosm in the universe. Islam has indeed assigned a very high place to man and Sufism, however dwelt intently upon the various aspects of man. They believe the operations of divine omnipotence are carried out on man. Moreover, he comes to realize the eosmic dimension of his being, not in quantitative but in a qualitative and symbolic sense. Generally, Sufis apprehend world as a veil (hijab) it needs unfold through will power, experience and self-awareness. According to Sufism, existence of human being is therefore, harmonious order that is endowed with life, will, sensation and purpose, just like a vast and absolute man (man accompanied with the attributes of God). To put it differently, if we take a man endowed with awareness, creativity and purpose, exemplary to the utmost degree in all of his aspects, and then enlarge him to the utmost degree, then he will appears to us as a pious personality.
Since Human being is a combination of two elements, such as phenomenal element and transcendental or spiritual element. This notion is also supported by the holy Quran as the Quran say“ laqad khalaqnal insane fi ahsane taqwim, shumma radadnahu asfala safelin'i.e. surely we created man of the best stature, and then we reduced him to the lowest of the low. 12*