peace. For that, all member states should work collectively to eradicate terrorism. It is the time that all SAARC leaders make a meaningful, practical and worthy contribution to face the challenge of terrorism in this region.
Ways to create Sustainable Culture of Peace:
Generally peace begins with the harmony among the people. It is a relationship among the people and also between the nations. Perhaps, it can be considered as one of the techniques to solve the conflict resolution. Efforts have been started in the nineteenth century to resolve the conflicts. Besides political factors, other factors like spiritual, moral and intellectual factors also stimulated the search for a practical solution to the problem of International peace. In this context, I propose some options to establish permanent peace. They are:
1. Limitation of the destructive and anarchical tendencies of International politics.
2. Transformation of international politics by eliminating its destructive tendencies altogether.
3. Accommodation of divergent interests in respect of international politics with rational objectives.
The establishment of peace is possible through other devices like disarmament, collective security and judicial agencies. Diplomacy has also served the purpose of conflict resolution. Collective security assumes that the community of nations would provide its members with security through collective action. Perhaps there are certain difficulties in the collective action. Collective security presupposes a moral transformation which makes the individual nations to forego their national egoism. The first attempt of disarmament agreement occurred in 1816 between the Tsar of Russia and the British Government. Throughout nineteenth century many such moves were made. Judicial agencies have been devised as the means to preserve peace. A permanent court of international justice was established in 1919. These agencies came into existence basing on the assumption that these will be available for arbitration between opposing parties in conflict and war. How ever, experiences proved that these judicial agencies were unable to cope with the issues relating to change of legal order and the incidence of war could not be reduced by their effort. The UNO Security council and league of Nations etc., were set up to facilitate peaceful change in the national systems as well as in the international scene. But they are also proved to be ineffective. Only the world government seems to be the plausible alternative. The key to world peace lies in the development of an economy which is peaceful by nature, which does not produce the stress and lead to war. It's essence is co-operative living. It transforms every human and social function and