Peace is far more than absence of war. It requires a positive and constructive world order, where individuals, groups and nations eschew the desire to dominate or exploit each other and live in co-operation and mutual aid. It is something more since it is also a positive state of mind as well as a constructive goal of person, society and mankind. It is true that peace will be achieved by removing all kinds of violence such as war, poverty, starvation, environmental destruction, violation of human rights, cruelty against women and children and so on, yet it has a positive side too. The basic meaning of peace is a harmonious socially adjustable mutually cooperative peaceful lifestyle. Nevertheless, even the positive ideas of peace in this nuclear age must not be understood as national security and survival. It should be taken as "the survival of mankind as a whole". This means peace needs a new life style based on justice. The constructive programmes suggested and experimented by Gandhi leads us to the Just Social Order. If one feels that one has not got justice, the inner feeling of injustice will not allow the individual or nation to be in real peace 13
We have to show that peace within and without is not only a preferable condition for progress but also it is an essential one. We must know that "Peace cannot be brought about by fine phrases and nice lectures, but by hard work and sacrifice". 14
It is to be remembered that "no action is worthy of human effort, if it degrades man, even if the outcome is a spectacular success":15 Kant's formula of categorical imperative emphasizes this point by instructing to treat human beings as ends in themselves. Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism and all types of humanism appeal to have reverence for life.
From time immemorial, man has been striving for peace which is reflected in his attempt at eliminating areas of conflict, tension, discord and disharmony thereby converting them into areas of agreement and harmony. The oldest literature of Sanãtana dharma i.e. Vedas have many y ?ānti mantras which form the beginning as well as the end of each Upanisad. Every Upanisad starts with Pantimantra and also ends with ?ānti mantras in vocation to peace. This shows the keenness of the people for peace in the world. .
An urge for peace is seen in man's striving for harmony, wholeness, completeness in individual and social life by eliminating the areas of conflict and widening the areas of harmony. The urge for peace in terms of harmony is one of the truths of human life. It will therefore continue to govern human life as long as the nature of human life continues to be the same. This urge is both realistic and idealistic.