To attain a peaceful world, Peace has to be constructed from below. To ensure a peaceful world, societies or states constituting the world order must themselves be peaceful or peace-loving, peaceful societies in their turn must be ones based on peaceful constituent parts, peace cannot be imposed from above.
Peace can be constructed only through peaceful and just means. The Gandhian concept of Ahimsa and Satyagraha, Buddha's Samyak Ajivika - correct living or Christ's concept of love can be the effective means to build up peaceful societies. Only such peaceful societies as integral parts, can ensure a peaceful world order. One cannot talk of peace without justice in a social context. The interplay of peace, justice and community is more intriguing in the postmodern world -the world we live in.
In social Morality, Justice does not cover the whole field of principles and actions that are considered right. Justice is the foundation of social Morality and without it the rest would collapse.
In the modern days, because of wide spread inequalities and inequities which prevail in the society the concept of Justice has gained great importance. Aristotle maintained that to enable individuals to secure what is best- the state should make a best arrangement of society where there is some sort of economic equality. Economic equality will ultimately bring about Justice. But equality does not mean only equal treatment, it also means providing equal opportunity and in certain cases preferential treatment, if necessary. It is in this context that the concept of corrective and distributive Justice has been evolved. Freedom, Equality and Justice are the concepts which deal with welfare of society and outer Peace. IT'S RELATION WITH EQUALITY:
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The concept of Justice and Equality are so closely related that one can't be separated from the other. It can be said that one is incomplete without the other. Unless there is some sort of equality in social and economic matters it can't be said that it is a Just society. To understand the concept of Justice we should understand the concept of Equality.
The term Equality has several facets and it cannot be described in one way. Equality is also a democratic ideal which has been understood in many ways. To some, equality stands for Political Equality, for some it is equality before the law, others who understand it in the wider sense bring Political equality, Social equality, Civil equality and Economic equality under the general heading of equality.
The ideal of Equality is fundamentally a leveling process. Equality is