- Dr. Geeta Mehta
While discussing on this subject, I would like to emphasize the role of Mahatma Gandhi in his disinterested service to humanity. Gandhi's approach to life is fundamentally characterized by integral approach to life. Hence he thinks of inner and outer peace together.
Peace has both individual and social aspects, micro as well as macro aspects. Peace at the individual level is the inner peace or peace of mind, a state in which there is perfect harmony among the various psychic forces which otherwise pull in different directions and become a source of conflict and tension. It is a psychological state when mind is free from tension, stress and strain, the different passions and desires and the conflicts that arise from them. It thus signifies a tranquil composure, a peacefulness of temper. At the individual level, it indicates a state in which the sense of being full or complete is experienced when all the faculties of an individual are in full harmony or in total, orderly alliance with one another.
Gandhi gives us the criteria of Spiritual experience in man. It is the super sensuousness of experience that constitutes its reality and value. It is only that which rises above our sensuous experience that is entitled to the name of the Real. "Sense perceptions can be, often are, false and deceptive, however real they may appear to us. Where there is realization outside the senses it is infallible.' Again, he says that it is only when we find a change and development in the character and conduct of a man that we are entitled to say that he has lived a spiritual life. It is the transformed character and conduct of a man, says Gandhi that constitutes the real index to his spiritual development. 2
Gandhi believes that the spiritual law does not work on a field for its own, but expressed itself only through the ordinary activities of life. It thus affects the economic, the social and the political.fields.3 Gandhi does not know religion apart from human activity, nor does he consider religion as one of the many activities of mankind.
Gandhi taught that there are some values of life which are eternal and unchangeable. One should have complete faith in them. Among them are non-violence non-possession, truth etc
All the great religions of the world emphasize on values such as observing truth in thought, words and deeds, living a life of self-restraint, having unilateral love for others etc. It is necessary for man to develop altruistic qualities which are essential for the promotion of peace as they help in developing a sense of solidarity and identity of interests.