child-hood to teenage-hood, teenage-hood to adult-hood, from adult-hood to wisdom-hood.
Human personality includes physical, mental, intellectual, moral and spiritual dimensions. Hence the Personality Development includes the development of all these dimensions simultaneously and harmoniously while keeping in view the summum-bonum of life at the same time. Suffering at physical, mental, intellectual, moral and spiritual plane is due to ignorance and the best remedy for the removal of ignorance in all these planes is blossoming of one's own personality to realize the oneness of all existence at the level of spirit or consciousness. This is the evolution of perfection in one's own personality. 2.Aspects of Personality Development
There is a need for the discussion of few factors which are prerequisites for Personality Development. They are: Environment, Education, Etiquette, Experience and Engineering.
i) Environment: A suitable atmosphere is highly essential for any development. This atmosphere is called environment which plays significant role for shaping the personality of a person. " We are the result of our family background, profession and social surroundings." If a person lives in good company(satsanga) automatically good samskaras will accumulate and he will emerge as a good human being; instead, if he is associated with bad company he will turn out to be bad human being; this is called sangadosa. Environment is such an important factor that will create such fresh samskaras which can destroy our past actions and past thinking that are stored in our unconscious mind and influence our conscious thinking and actions. That is why Angulimala could get himself completely changed in the noble company of Buddha.
Our present state is the result of our past actions and environment and our future is determined by the present action and environment. Hence we are the architect of our own development and destiny. Not only that, through Satsanga and Nishkamakarma one can easily attain perfect personality i.e. Stitaprajnattva.
ii) Education: Today, students are taught how to acquire(money) and how to achieve(comforts) without learning how to be. On the contrary, education should aim at being (perfect human being) and not having or achieving. Swami Vivekananda defines education as the "Manifestination of the perfection already in man." Man is potentially pure, perfect, strong, good and knowledgeable. These potentialities have to be actualized. Education should act as an agent of actualization of all these potentialities hidden in man. Education is training of the will which enables man to make use of the knowledge to uplift himself and the society. That is why Swami