Gujarat is one of major Indian Language spoken in Gujarat located in western India.
For full text of the speech refer, S. Radhakrishnan, 1956. Occasional Speeches and Writings, Publication Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, New Delhi
Upanishads are highly scholarly commentaries on the Vedas. There are 108 Upanishads.g For an interesting account, readers may refer Rajmohan Gandhi, The Good Boatman: A Portrait of Gandhi, Penguin Books, New Delhi, 1995, and Mohandas-A True Story of a Man, His people and an Empire, Penguin, Viking, New Delhi 2008. On December 22, 1916, he had accepted Kapildeva Malaviya's invitation to speak to the members of the Economics Society of Muir Central College Allahabad. Significantly, his lecture was entitled “Does Economic Progress Clash with Real Progress"?
6. Shah Ramesh B, 1998, (Gujarati) Gandhian Lifestyle and Economic Sys
tem, Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad. 7. Ajit K. Dasgupta, Gandhi's Economic Thought, Routledge, London, 1996 8. Diwan Romesh and Lutz Mark (Editors), 1985. Essays in Gandhian
Economics Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi 9. Joshi P.C. 1985, "Gandhian Economics Today: Issues for Discussion”,
in Conference Volume, Indian Economic Association. P 2. 10. United Nations, 1987. Our Common Future: The World Commission
on Environment and Development, United Nations, Washington D.C. 11. Dayal Parmeshwari, 2006. Gandhian Theory of Social Reconstruction ,
Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi.