squeezed in tight embrace of Ravana when he abducted her. These were inexcusable crímes. It was impossible for Rama to take her back. Ravana could not have controlled his desires after seeing divinely beautiful lady. (रावणाङ्कपरिक्लिष्टां दृष्टां दुष्टेन चक्षुषा । कथं त्वां पुनरादद्यां कुलं व्यपदिशन्महत्।. ..... नहि त्यां रावणो दृष्ट्वा fama TRA I farti a tale ufafreann | Yuk, 115.19, 24). It was her open court martial. She was ashamed to hear her husband's terrible speech alleging her openly before a very large gathering. Her head was bent low (791 Talad fe ut hefa Herrialdet at mogelia781490 11 YuK, 116.2).Rama openly alleged her of infidelity. In those treacherous moments Sita was destroyed. Something firm as steel emerged from her soul. All the time after emerging from her palanquin she kept her head bent and carried the burden of modesty. When she heard Rama's thoughts, she became fearless and threw the burden of bashfulness.
Sita spoke. She answered with firm word, but not with the vehemence of Rama. She asked Rama why he was speaking with her like a common man addressing to a common woman. She swore to him by her own character. She even reproached him that he was distrusting the whole womankind by judging some vulgar women (4372 BITUTI YERU gia dyfish YuK, 116.7). Sita even assured him that it was not her fault that she came into contact with Ravana while being abducted, it was fate. She even said that Rama has failed to know her even through the long association of many years (YUK, 116.5-10). Sita even asked him that why he had not abandoned her while she was in Lanka. She would have given up life then only. Unnecessarily Rama had undergone the exercise of war and given trouble to his friends. In her speech she revealed Rama's meanness. She said, you allowed anger to overtake you and you have only seen womanhood like a lowly person (ry I 759911CC Touargadai eta hau Ficha qe 304 11 YuK, 116.14). She was extremely unhappy that Rama did not consider her divine birth or the long association from very young age.
. Immediately after her address she ordered Lakshmana to make a pyre. She heard whatever was there to hear from Rama before her speech. She spoke whatever she wanted to convey, but she did not seem to have expected any answer from Rama. Rama also did not answer to her speech. Sita was shocked by this gross insult that every connecting thread between Rama and herself was broken. She did not care to glance once to Rama. Her husband left no alternative but death. On the contrary, when Lakshmana overcome with indignation looked at Rama, he understood Rama's consent from his facial expression (एवमुक्तस्तु वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा । अमर्षवशमापन्नो राघवं समुदैक्षत ॥ स fasir 1989 Chafenti ferai alohi siffra Tharari ni Yuk, 116.20-21). Probably Lakshmana wanted Rama to solve this impossible situation. It did not happen. Ramayana says, Rama was looking fierce like god of death and