Hanuman. She was struck by sorrow and prayed to the fire god that, if she had served her husband well, if she had performed austerities, and if she had exclusive devotion for husband then let the fire be cool to Hanuman.(34714 विशालाक्षो प्रयता हव्यवाहनम् । यद्यस्ति पतिशुश्रूषा यद्यस्ति चरितं तपः । यदि वा तु एकपत्नीत्वं शीतो भव हनूमतः ॥ यदि किञ्चिदनुक्रोशस्तस्य मय्यस्ति धीमतः । यदि वा भाग्यशेषो मे शीतो भव हनूमत। ||SuK, 53.27-30). And, in fact all through this fire Hanuman was not hurt.
After the inferno, Hanuman rests for a moment. Suddenly he realizes that along with the Lanka, the Ashoka garden must have burnt down. He feared that Sita also must have been burnt. He hopes and prays to god to save Sita. At that juncture Hanuman hears from the bards that it was indeed miracle that daughter of Janaka has not burnt in that terrible inferno (CTERI
r 15: CT ACCA10 RATU I J a gufa fa esga Ta 7: 18uK, 55.32)
Fire cannot burn the fire. Hanuman sees it as a miracle, accepts it as the divine side of Janaki. He is sure that Sita who is protected by her own sterling character, fire cannot touch her (a fo cha rufafada: Taifa Tai ai muefa 496: Suk, 55.23). Hanuman went to Ashoka garden to find Janaki. He found her unhurt under the Shimshapa tree (Tak för8197457 G177 gefafferarti 371999gag face 44 CIT89414 || SuK, 56.1). Sita did not forget her duty as hostess. She was grateful that he came all the way for her. She requested him to stay and rest for a day. Her mind is racing far ahead of the time and analyzing the situation. She knows from the reporting of Hanuman that there is no alternative but war. Now her worry is how Rama and Monkey king Sugriva and the bears would cross the ocean to reach the Lanka (अयं च वीर संदेहस्तिष्ठतीव ममाग्रतः । सुमहत्सु सहायेषु हर्युक्षेषु महाबलः ।। कथं नु खलु दुष्पारं Hafafa rr I at B RI a artRECAST I SuK, 56.7-8). Saying about the impossibility of the task, she exposes her inner wish that, if Rama can come with his forces, defeat Ravana and take her back himself. That alone was befitting of Rama at i focal 150 YONIGA: HI 7 of an Torre FC TRT HERİ HOC 11 79 781 de fashiangle FETHA: 147 9 791 444164 11-ibid-1213). Hanuman departs and Sita's first fire ordeal is over. Hanuman reported this episode in detail to everyone including Rama and Lakshmana (GH17 दग्धेति विस्मयोदन्तभाषिणाम् । ततो मे बुद्धिरुत्पन्ना श्रुत्वा तामद्भुतां गिरम् ॥ अदग्धा जानकीत्येव falfidanudaraq 191447 g M T Hi gefa 496: | SuK, 58.162-163). Valmiki Ramayana do not record what Rama's thoughts were about this fire ordeal of Sita. Hanuman was overwhelmed by the miracle. Somehow Sita's first ordeal goes unnoticed.
The great war was over. Ravana was killed. Sita was summoned by Rama. Rama ordered that she should be brought before him properly decked in royal attire and ornaments. Vibhishana took this message to her (Fot'RTTI