Buddhism and Ecology, Ed. By Mary Tucker and D.R. Williams, Harward University Center for the Study of World Religions. Cambridge, U.S.A.1997.
Buddhism, its Essence and Development, E.Conze, Oxford. U.K., Cassirer, 1960.
Buddhism Thought in India, E.Conze, London, George Allen and Unuin, 1962.
Buddhist Hand Book, John Snelling, Rochester, Vermont, 1991.
Indian Buddhism, A.K.Warder, Motolal Banarasidass, New Delhi, India.
Inner Peace, world Peace, Ed.by Kenneth Kraft. State Uni. Of New York Press, U.S.A.1992.
In Quest of Peace, Ed. by Prof.Y.S.Shastri, Dr.Intaj Malek, Dr.Sunanda Shastri, Bharatiya Kala Prakashan, Delhi, India, 2006.
Mahayana Buddhism, Paul Williams, London, Routledge, 1989.
Mahayanasutralankara- A study in Vijnanavada Buddhism, by Yajneshwar S.Shastri, Indian Book Center, Delhi, 1989.
Non-violence to Animals, Earth and Self in Asian Traditions, Christopher Key Chapple, State Uni. Of New York Press, U.S.A.1993.