(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Implicate and explicate order)
The abstract concept of “Order” was explored by David Bohm, who proposed a cosmological order, radically different from the generally accepted convention, which he expressed to distinguish between the implicate and explicate orders, as described in his book (Bohm 1990).
In proposing this new notion of order, Bohm challenged a number of prevailing fundamental tenets of scientific approach which include the following:
Phenomena are reducible to fundamental particles and laws which describe the behavior of particles, or more generally to any static (i.e. unchanging) entities, whether separate events in space-time, quantum states, or static entities of some other nature.
Human knowledge is mostly confined to mathematical prediction of statistical aggregates of particles.
Analysis or description of any aspect of reality (e.g. quantum theory, speed of light) can be unlimited in its domain of relevance.
The Cartesian coordinate system, or its extension to a curvilinear system, is the deepest concept of underlying order as a basis for analysis and description of the world. That there is ultimately a sustainable distinction between reality and thought, and there is a corresponding distinction between the observer and observed in an experiment or any other situation (other than a distinction between relatively separate entities valid in the sense of explicate order). These are simple assumptions made in our description of reality admitting that our thought and reality are different to some extent.
That it is, in principle, possible to formulate a final notion concerning the nature of reality; e.g. a Theory of Everything.
According to David Bohm, in the enfolded [i.e. implicate] order, space and time are no longer the dominant factors determining the relationships of dependence or independence of different elements. Rather, an entirely different sort of basic connection of elements is possible, from which our ordinary notions of space and time, along with those of separately existent material particles, are abstracted as forms derived from the deeper order. These ordinary notions in fact appear in what is called the "explicate" or "unfolded" order, which is a special and distinguished