Culbertson: psycho-space in the Appendix 1). In addition, there can be some kind of telepathy and clairvoyance at certain level in the mind, which might have connections with advanced and retarded propagation of waves as per Klein Gordon equations (Appendix 1).
It may be mentioned that quantum physics is now extensively used to understand many phenomena of consciousness which cannot be explained by ordinary computer models and neurophysiology. They try to explain several properties of consciousness, psychological phenomena, parapsychological phenomena and others. Even possibility of backward propagation of signal in negative time direction is explained. Some of these phenomena involving parapsychology are close to Jainism.
6.3. Concept of Objective Reduction and theory of consciousness at Planck's level:
Let us now describe the theory of Objective Reduction, which was proposed by Roger Penrose (1989). This was developed by unifying Relativity Theory and Quantum Theory. He extended Einstein's general theory of relativity, in which matter is essentially space-time curvature, to the Planck scale (10” cm in length and 10 seconds in time), which is the most basic level of the universe. Actually, material world is composed of atoms and subatomic particles. But if we go down in scale from atoms, eventually we reach the basement level of reality that is Planck scale geometry at 10% cm, with coarseness, irregularity, and probably information as well. Descriptions of Planck scale geometry include string theory and loop quantum gravity. String theory, in which Planck scale strings vibrate at specific frequencies correlating with fundamental particles, but this model has some problems. It lacks background geometry, for example, in which the strings vibrate. Another approach is that of loop quantum gravity, which depicts spacetime geometry as quantized into volume pixels that is , Planck scale polygons whose edges may be considered as irreducible spin whose lengths also vary but average 10 cm. Planck volumes evolve and change with time, conveying information as a 3-dimensional spider web of spin. Somehow, space-time geometry is nonlocal, as revealed by entanglement experiments and perhaps holographic.
A particle in one state or location would be a specific curvature in space-time geometry, and the same particle in another location would have curvature in the opposite direction, extending downward to the Planck scale. Superposition of both locations can then be seen as simultaneous curvatures in opposite directions, and hence, according to Penrose, a separation, bubble, or blister in the very fabric of