Thus there is clear limitation of knowledge. Though the unknowable can be experienced, it can not be described. Language is incapable of describing it and this knowledge is beyond logic.
GN. Ramamchandran, tried to formulate it in form of Boolean Algebra. Ramachandran, (1981;1982a,b.) We discuss a few paradoxes here which were known to the Greek philosophers and known by their names. A solution to these paradoxes can be found within the framework of Saptabhangi.
6.1 Resolution of paradoxes
Many paradoxes can be understood in terms of saptabhangi. We just illustrate it with the case of Cretan Liars paradox. The "A man says that he always tells a lie. what he said is true or false?" One can not answer it without contradicting the man's statement. See the following example also, where one starts with “x is not true" and one concludes that "x is true"
• Suppose: 1. x = "x is not true" Then: 2. x is true if and only if "x is not true" is true And: 3. x is true if and only if x is not true Therefore: 4. It is not true that x = "x is not true" (QED)
By using the options given by saptabahangi, it can be said that either it can be true or it can be false or it can be indescribable and other combinations thereof given by the seven possibilities described above.
1. In spite of the same name, the Jain paramanu which is dimensionless is not the same as the paramanu (atom) described in modern physics .
2. In a nutshell, Anekantavada emphasizes that this is true (but only partially) and that also is true. Contrasting it with the upanishadic concept of neti, the existence of God in every conceivable manner and mention it in the negative "Neti , Neti", implying (that God is) neither this, nor that. In fact, none of the visible objects is God. In contrast, Anekantavad says in the affirmative "This is true and that also is true”. Upanishads look at Logic does not have just two answers to a problem, Yes and No, as can be illustrated by several paradoxes. As we shall see below, some answers can be yes and no, both, some answers can be contradictory and some answers can be Indeterminate. This is what exactly syadvada predicts.