i. Preface : Narendra Bhandari & Surendra Singh Pokharna
<1>. Spiritual Theory of Personality: Eastern & Western Perspective:
Achinta Yajnik:
<2>. The agents of consciousness: Vishva Mohan Thakur
<3>. Consciousness: Scientific Understanding from Reality Engagements
C.R. Mukundan
<4>. Time and Space: Real and Relative: A.R Prasanna
<5>. The Elusive Truth: Narendra Bhandari & Surendra Singh Pokharna
<6>. General Systems Theory, Quantum Physics, Relativity and
Neurophysiology and concepts of Jainism may provide new concepts of knowledge and evolution: Surendra Singh Pokharna
<7>. Quantum field Theory like model in consciousness:
Surendra Singh Pokharna
8>. Quantum Mechanics and Human Decision Making
Paras Mul Agrawal
<9». Soul (jiva) and Consciousness in Jainism :
Nayrayan Lal Kachhara
<10>. Prolonged Fastings: How is it possible: A hypothesis
Sudhir V. Shah
<11>. Can a person live without food and water for 75 years: A Case
Summary Sudhir Shah and team of 21 doctors.