Date: 14/11/03 Blood Urea: 46.9 mg/dl Blood Urea: 46.9 mg/dl S. Creatinine: 1.53 mg/dl S. Na+: 145.1 mmol/L S. K+: 4.60 mmol/L S. Cl-: 107.0 mmol/L S.Acetone : 10 mg/dl Date: 15/11/03 S. Na+: 143.7 mmol/L S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Blood Urea: 59.6 mg/dl S. Creatinine: 1.52 mg/dl S. Na+: S. K+: 4.97 mmol/L S. Cl-: 106.8 mmol/L RBS: 84.9
Date: 16/11/03
148.3 mmol/L
mg/dl S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Date: 18/11/03
S. Uric acid: 11.44 mg/dl SGPT: 10.0 U/L S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present) Blood Urea: 63.7 mg/dl S. Creatinine: 1.75 mg/dl S. Na+: 154.3 mmol/L K+: 4.37 mmol/L S. Cl-: 107.5 mmol/L
ABG: (Venous Blood) PH: 7.31
PCO2: 48 PO2: 23
TCO2: 25 HCO3: 23 BE: -3.0 02 sat: 35% Venous RBS: 162.0 mg/dl
Date: 20/11/03
T-3: 0.97 ng/ml
T-4: 9.0 ug/dl TSH: 2.1 ulu/dl Plasma Cortisol: AM: 11.0 ug/dl mg% Blood Urea: 77 mg% S. Creatinine: 1.7 mg% S. Na+: 155.9 M.Eq/L S. K+: 4.67 M.Eq/L
S. Cl-: 115.9 M.Eq/L SGPT: 24 Units/ml S.Acetone: 30 mg\dl
Date: 21/11/03 Blood Urea: 87.5 mg/dl S. Creatinine: 1.46 mg/dl S. Na+: 143.5 mmol/L S. K+: 4.16 mmol/L S. Cl-: 101.5 mmol/L S. Acetone: 30.0 mg/dl (Present)
Date: 25/11/03 S. K+: 3.40 mmol/L SGPT: 23.0 S. Creatinine: 1.40 mg/dl S. Na+: 137.5 mmol/L Blood Urea: 48.2 mg/dl RBS: 99.8 mg/dl
Audiological Evaluation: (17/11/03)
Bilateral severe to profound degree of sensori-neural hearing loss.
ECG and cardiac evaluation were normal.