100 %, as against to 3 - 10% as we normally do.
There will be reign of peace & prosperity. As there is no food, the bad thoughts and ill feelings will be stopped, so eternal peace is bound to follow.
This will also question the routine calorie mathematics.
This challenges the common calorie based science. Its limitations are highlighted. At the same time the complex issues of obesity & malnutrition can be readily explained through the concept of solar and cosmic energy. It is possible that obese people, though not eating excess food, still receive energy from cosmic sources, unknowingly explaining their obesity.
The concept of cosmic energy can be used thus for total uplift of mankind at physical mental, intellectual, emotional & spiritual levels. It has tremendous applications. One can utilize it, the way he can. Extensive scientific research work therefore should be immediately taken up, by appropriate authorities, including bioscientists & medical personnel, to answer all these issues. Awareness of all human beings must be created simultaneously and all those who are interested should work on this highly potential and fascinating project, of cosmic energy as well as potentialities of the pineal gland and other related issues discussed in these pages.
Ref. case study of Mr. Hira Ratan Manek : 411 fast completed on 14.02.2001 and parna was done on 15.02.2001 in presence of about a lakh people with graceful presence of Jain sadhus, several Hindu saints, H.E. the Governor of Gujarat, respected Mayor of Ahmedabad and several other highly placed people.