Shah, Dr. Prakash Doshi , (family physician) and several others.
Today, it is 411th day of Shri Hira Ratan Manek's fasting. (on Dt. 14th Februry 2001) He started fasting from 1.1.2000. He is on total fasting as per Jainism. He is consuming only boiled water daily between 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. only and no other liquids and just no other food, No IV or I'M injections. Medical checkup commenced few days before fasting programme & is continued till to day. It consists of daily written record of pulse, blood pressure, respiration, Temperature, water intake, urine output, weight etc. Relevant Hematological and biochemical (basic and few advanced) tests are done periodically i.e. monthly or fortnightly. ECGs are taken regularly. Ultra Sonography, EEG, CT.Scan and M.R.I. Brain have been taken at the end of one year and a team consisting of general practitioners physicians, surgeons, Cardiologists, endocrinologist and a neurologist have been examining him regularly and periodically from first day of fasting. Except for loss of 19 Kg weight, (Which is now stable with no further weight loss for last 3 months) a slight reduction of pulse rate and B.P. and definite reduction of respiratory rate (from 18 to now 10/minute) amazingly, there is no other medical abnormality. Even the brain and mental capacities are absolutely normal. There are hardly any findings. He has stopped passing stool after 16th day of fasting and urine output is maintained at around 600 to 800 c.c. His blood sugar is between 60 to 90. Rest of the parameters are all normal.
Most surprisingly, he had himself climbed the famous Shatrunjay mountain (Palitana hill) on 4.4.01, on 401st day of his legendary fasting along with 500 fellowmen without anybody's help, within 1.5 Hrs. only. It is just amazing. Isn't it?
But how do we hypothesize it? How does science look at it ? As per our present day scientific understanding, under normal circumstances of prolonged starvation, (under accidental situation or extraordinary situation, human being looses weight fast. First carbohydrate is utilized. Then ketones appear in urine in first week. Then proteins are burnt. Later fat are mobilized from body stores and used. Before that, the person becomes dull, lethargic and irritable, his logic and reasoning fails and vital parameters fall and within 8 to 10 weeks, as per science, the physical existence will be challenged.
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Here, there has been no such ill effect. How do we explain this ? How does his energy mathematics work? How he is still so intact with normal intellect, normal mental function? So far, there is no solid thesis (as this is the first event in the world, under medical supervision), there has to be some logical, scientific