the same time.
11. Cleanliness Power (Swachhatwa Shakti)
All objects of loka and aloka are reflected in soul at once due to its cleanliness power. Unlike a mirror in which only material objects are reflected, all objects, physical and non-physical, subtle or gross, in all their aspects including their properties, are reflected in the soul. The limits of time and distance do not apply to non-physical soul and all objects far and near, present, past, and future, are reflected equally (the temporal distinctions cease to exist). Just like mirror the soul is not contacted or affected in any way when objects of loka are reflected in it, both soul and objects continue to maintain their individual and independent identity. However, this happens only in a pure soul (Arihanta or liberated state). As the cover of karma reduces the reflective capacity of soul increases and it may develop capability of direct perception leading to powers of clairvoyance and mind reading in a gradual manner, ultimately gaining the capacity of total cleanliness power in Arihanta state. The reflection occurs in a natural way without effecting the peace and tranquility of soul in any way.
Irrespective of karma the cleanliness attribute is always present in some measure and the reflective power is never reduced to zero. The cleanliness power is also interspersed with all other attributes and powers, which, like cleanliness, never become extinct even with thickest cover of karma. Because of reflective power the soul having reflection of all kinds of objects, good or bad, remains pure and clean; soul in Arihanta state does not develop sentient feelings or emotions even if bombarded with insult and abuses.
12. Enlightenment Power (Prakash Shakti)
The soul has power of knowing the self and experiencing the self in all its aspects. This power is called enlightenment power. When this power is awakened the soul is no more dependent on external help for knowing the objects.
13. Power of Non-restrained Growth (Asamkuchit Vikasatwa Shakti)
The power of non-restrained growth allows soul to grow and develop unrestrained without bounds of space and time. All other attributes of soul like chetana, self-awareness, intelligence etc. attain their full development in space and time because of this power.