are broken the soul is free. Karma can then no longer hold it; karma can then no longer bind it; the wheel of cause and effect may continue to turn, but the soul has become the liberated Life.
Without attachment, constantly perform action which is duty, for performing action without attachment, man verily reacheth the Supreme.
To perform this karma-yoga-yoga of action-as it is called, man must perform every action merely as duty, doing all in harmony with the Law. Seeking to conform to the Law on any plane of being on which he is busied, he aims at becoming a force working with the Divine Will for evolution, and yields a perfect obedience in every phase of his activity. Thus all his actions partake of the nature of sacrifice, and are offered for the turning of the Wheel of the Law, not for any fruit that they may bring; the action is performed as duty, the fruit is joyfully given for the helping of men; he has no concern with it, it belongs to the Law, and to the Law he leaves it for distribution.
And so we read:
Whose works are all free from the moulding of desire, whose actions are burned up by the fire of wisdom, he is called a Sage by the spiritually wise.
1 Bhagavad Gitā, iii, 19.