conscience, and the soul may err in its decision, however well intentioned its effort to see clearly and to act rightly. Here its will to obey sets it in line with the Divine Nature on the higher planes, and its failure to see how to obey on the lower plane will be remedied for the future by the pain it feels as it blunders up against the law: the suffering will teach it what before it knew not, and its sorrowful experiences will be worked into conscience, to preserve it from similar pain in the future, to give it the joy of fuller knowledge of God in Nature, of self-conscious accord with the Law of Life, of self-conscious co-operation in the work of evolution.
Thus far we see as definite principles of karmic law, working with mental images as causes, that:
Aspirations and Desires become Capacities. Repeated Thoughts
Tendencies. Wills to perform
Actions. Experiences
Wisdom. Painful Experiences » Conscience.
Karmic law working with astro-mental images seems better considered under the head of the working out of karma, to which we will now turn.