marriage, Meenakshi has been cooking all her vegetarian dishes (being a strict vegetarian) on gas without any sighted help. The only person who helps her is her blind husband. I have seen for myself her cooking and tasted the meals that she has prepared. The fact that she has not been scalded, let alone burnt, during these nine years indicates that she is more conscious of safety than we the sighted people are. Tell me then who is blind-? The same applies to all the other categories of the handicapped.
If you don't believe what I have stated, then you have merely to go through Mr. Kumarpal Desai's magnificently written book where he has brought out most effectively the fight for survival put up by the handicapped people and the measure of their success. Believe me, not only these people about whom he has written the articles deserve our greatest compliment for batting on a wet wicket but also Mr. Kumarpal Desai deserves our gratitude for having brought awareness in our society of the battle for survival of such large-hearted handicapped people. I trust Mr. Kumarpal Desai's book will receive the response it deserves because a treatise of this nature is also a service to the handicapped.
I wish the book every possible success.