The Brave Hearts
athletes. What he saw there was that the athletes were game with each other, each one trying to overpower the other in a physical bout. Murli's body was then rigorously trained for such physical bouts. He was fond of sports too. The physical instructor of his school C. B. Deshpande had given him sufficient training to participate with proficiency in various games and sports. He also thought of having a few bouts with athletes who were present there. Being eager to do so, Murli rushed to the manager and said, “I wish to participate in wrestling bouts. Please give me a chance."
The manager looking at Murli said, “Being a dumpy, you want to take part in wrestling which is a sport for older boys and men ! It is not for short ones like you. Better go home and come back after a few years when you are older."
The little Murli was visibly annoyed at what the manager had said to him on that day. He vowed to become an able sportsman soon and thereby bring a good name to the country.
Murli had already brought a good name to the nation as a devoted and valiant soldier on the battlefield, but now he had lost both of his legs. When he was unable even to walk, the question of his becoming a sportsman was too far-fetched an idea. He was now to lead his remaining life with the support of a wheel chair. The rest was sheer fantasy.
Even then Murli did not lose heart. He thought that even though his legs could no longer help to fulfil his one time ambition to be a sportsman, there were other avenues which he could think of. A determined human being can safely overcome even a dense forest. Nothing is difficult for a person who has a strong willpower. A steel-like urge can melt away all kinds of difficulties and calamities like a candle of wax.
He made the wheel-chair a substitute for his now defunct legs and started practicing games and sports which can be