India At The Time of Tirthankar Mahaveer 6th Century BC, this was the time when civilization in India was not mature. The Gender discrimination, The Caste discrimination, Slavery, Worshiping numbers of Gods with so many rituals, Animal sacrifice in various religious ceremonies, Socio economic disparities etc. are few examples. Some Priests under the cover of vedic teachings twisted the rituals to exploit the common people for their selfish motives. The social fabric was fragmented and it was need of a time to have a bold reformer to raise voice against these powerful people who had resources, so called knowledge and the claim to have direct connections with God.
Vedic Yagna
Tirthankar Mahaveer (599-527 BC)
Tirthankar Mahaveer revolted against these existing practices and tried to bring common man out of the clutches of dominant Brahmin caste. His thoughts on gender equality, equality of all irrespective of caste and equality of all living beings including animals and plants and his concept of selfpurification for eternal happiness attracted large followers. His most vital opposition was against animal sacrifice.