Jain Doctrine of Eternal
Happiness Along with social reforms where equality and universal welfare were the focus points, Tirthankar Mahaveer showed the path of real happiness. He analyzed and logically put
forward that the causes of our miseries are not so much in the external world but they are within us. If we think critically we will realize that all our pains are due to our inner enemies or passions like anger, ego, deceit and greed. Our so called sensual pleasures are temporary and if we liberate ourselves from these passions and pleasures the true happiness is natural outcome. Even external causes of unhappiness can be fought successfully if one practices equanimity in good or bad situations. He further explained that the attachment and hatred both are two primary reasons of our pains. He described that least the attachment more will be our happiness. He further described a state wherein person can get rid of all kinds of attachments and reach to a state of total eternal happiness, termed liberation and such person will not have any further cycle of rebirths and deaths.
“Jainism is of very high order. Its important teachings are based upon science. The more the scientific knowledge advances the more those Jain teachings will be proven”. - L. P. Tessetori, Italy