We have so many books for positive thinking, how to grow, and how to live; but what is lacking and missing is practice. The moment we decide to practice, it changes the color because the hidden dormant energy comes to the surface. As long as you do not bring the energy to the surface, you remain wishywashy or you procrastinate, saying you will do it tomorrow. But tomorrow never comes. We are fortunate that we meditate and have inspiring thoughts that help us to change our direction and to act rather than procrastinate or blame others for our ills or depend on others for guidance. Most people do not make an effort to change the direction, but if they decide to change, they can take care of the ills and have healings.
A student asked the president of the University of Michigan what was the secret of his success. He answered in one sentence: "Grow antennas and not the horns“. To grow horns means to be animal-like; while to grow antennas means to have intelligence to pick up something wholesome and healthy. What a small thing, yet what a powerful statement! It is easy to be animal-like and go out and kill and create suffering for innumerable people. However, it is also easy to be a blessing to yourself and the world. But what is difficult may sound easy and what is easy may sound difficult with perverted thinking. To love and be kind to you and to others is a very easy thing but it is difficult to practice. To kill others, to be violent, to spread hate is very difficult but some people think it is easy. There are all kinds of people in this world. The country that had Albert Schweitzer also had Adolph Hitler. In the same country we see good people and we see killers. This is a world in which we are here to learn to do good things and not to be hateful and harmful.
We meditate on how to collect blessings and how to heal our wounds. We have so many wounds. Sometimes we have wounded ourselves in ignorance, and sometimes we have allowed ourselves to be wounded by others. These wounds do not allow us to have peace and health. In this new millennium, we have to find the ancient as well as the modem way to heal ourselves. In order to heal, it is essential to find a way to change our direction from negative thinking to positive thinking; and be selective in choosing our company and friends. We certainly need company; however, if we are with the wrong company, it can take us to such a wilderness that it would be very difficult to return. In Sanskrit, the word company is called satsangha, which means the company of good, permanence, love, peace, joy and positive behavior and thinking. This company influences us without our effort, an unspoken influence. Once you are in the right company and you are moving in a right direction, it influences you, it shapes you, it smoothes your sharp edges. It
On the Wings of Light and Love - Volume Two - 13