4. EQUANIMITY: MADYASTH Equanimity is perhaps the most difficult to obtain and maintain. If through our sincere efforts we acquire some vision and try to impart it to others and they refuse to heed us, how can we maintain our equilibrium? If we try to give someone a helping hand or some good piece of advice and offer of help is spurned, we may tend to feel rejected. We may feel helpless and react with anger or even, our hurt pride becomes vindictive. It is a subtle moment in life! Especially when our attempt entailed some time and effort. We may treat the ungrateful friend even worse than an enemy.
As parents, how often we, with the best of intentions, want to tell our children what to do, how to live their lives. At times, the children become rebellious and go against us. At that moment, however, we keep our balance. Learn the art of patience, of equanimity. As amity and equanimity grow, their glow will show on your face. Irritation begets irritation. Our irritation and rejection only lead them to build their opposition rather than to question themselves. We have to maintain our equilibrium not only with our rebellious children or with rebels against society, but also with those in power whom our own vision and our human rights demand that we oppose. Gandhi had shown this equanimity. Even though he was adamant in the fight against the British dominion, inwardly he was filled with amity for them. He told me "One day those who still rule over us will understand our position and we will achieve our freedom. So we must fight but with the weapon of love."
Also, let us have equanimity for ourselves, our own progress, and our own battle against our inner enemies. We learn from the errors we are bound to commit. We learn that those who embrace violence have no right to expect anything but violence in return. This is the Karma of Action. It is up to us to stop the vicious circle. Only on the basis of the alchemy of equanimity can the base metal of evil be turned into the goodness of gold. With equanimity ATMA can be ascended to PARAMATMA: the small self can be transformed into the Higher Self.
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