react to the action that is taking place. For indeed, the reaction becomes our new action in the future.” Gurudev's words helped me through all the challenges this past year, and they also helped me to see the positive within the negative, instead of creating a negative chain of reactions.
Also, in 1995 there were many blessings. We manifested our new Lighthouse Center which Gurudev and Pramoda blessed in a special Celebration Ceremony; we had our second, best-ever Dimensions in Light Festival, the second largest such festival in Michigan; I was able to travel to New Orleans to see Gurudev and Pramoda at a Jain Art Conference; and seventeen of us traveled to India in December for a special pilgrimage with Gurudev and Pramoda. Trance class members and other students and Lighthouse members gave me the gift of Amber, a small white Havanese puppy for Christmas. Alsol witnessed a lot of students receiving much healing energy during this year. With all the stresses of this year, I would not have been able to experience or enjoy these beautiful blessings if I had not been meditating, for I would have been over-whelmed by all the negative, and unable to embrace the positive. So this year has shown me once again some of the “101 reasons to meditate". And I gave many thanks and gratitude for the Love, Light and Generosity given to me by all of you who were with me during my very challenging year.
Love and Light,
On the Wings of Light and Love - 37