It is this factor, of course, which induces each individual or group to deepen faith in their own particular method and experience. The only danger is that we then sometimes tend to exclude the other people with their differing methods, and sometimes get into conflict about it. It is wiser to be totally ecumenical and to give thanks for all people who are seeking to help everyone else, knowing that the Father might even wish to use many methods. Can Anyone be a Healer?
I believe, completely, that healing is everyone's ability and facility. I have spent my life in dedication to this proposition. All our research in the Sanctuary down the years has been devoted to this one end.
If it were true that only certain few people had "gifts of healing" then I, personally, would not wish to be involved in any concept or experience of it. From a true, spiritual point of view, in the light of man living in and through and by the spirit of God, it simply has to be true that all God's children on earth, irrespective of race, color or creed, must have this central ability to love and be loved, to be in communion with God, to make their choices, and to discover their own high destiny.
I believe it to be urgent that we dispel all these ideas that only certain few people can be channels of healing. For centuries it has been a basic belief that healing was only vested in certain few chosen people. I believe it to be a tragedy that such ideas were ever held. It is this concept that has probably done more to inhibit the churches in the full movement of divine healing than anything else.
In my experience, prayer and divine healing are one and the same thing. I agree that it is true that certain people seem to be raised up to fulfill a ministry, but they are merely the way-showers. When one considers the universality of the spirit of God, there should be no mystery about this since there is only the one flux of Divinity manifesting in everyone of the four billion people on earth.