effective on every creative, artistic, and scientific level. I saw that here was the true science of life, and that the incredible and eternal future of man was already secure. He was only in process of unfolding his highest and eternal good as quickly as he could become aware of it.
I felt guided to write at some length here about my own experience only because it provided, for me, the essential awareness of the living presence of God in whom we live and have our being. The primary source of healing power, especially in relation to miraculous healing, obviously must flow from some awareness of divinity, almightiness, or that which is beyond human experience.
In my case it had been simplified to me and, thank God, gave me additional necessary vision to realize that communion with God had nothing to do with special gifts as such. This truth must be available for everyone without any exception. I think I saw even then that divine healing itself could not be circumscribed and that, could one discover and apply the great laws which govern communion with the Father, then obviously everyone could be in effective manifestation on behalf of everyone else and, of course, for one's self.
I proclaim my own central belief as an understanding, basic and effective in my own life and work. It became the true foundation of all the research work down the years, the discovery of the Law of Expectation, the experience of healing right across the world, the proving that distance was no obstacle, the recognition of man as a spirit functioning in consciousness and the physical system more like a machine than anything else.
Yet, I repeat it, I emphasize it, there are, so far as methods are concerned, probably as many ways to God as there are people on earth. In other words, the great lesson of my life is that I respect and am absolutely one with all those of every denomination, religion, or organization who in their own way are involved in