In attempting to answer these profound questions, I think I should make my own position clear so that any assessments may be made in the light of my own experience in the past thirty years.
Right from the initial compulsion to begin this work, my only vision was based on research into the validity and effectiveness of spiritual principles insofar as I could perceive them and activate them. We did not establish a church or a movement. Down all these years the outlook of myself and my colleagues has been essentially ecumenical, working with other churches and organizations, constantly experimenting in the field of love, faith, prayer, and expectancy.
Our work inevitably moved beyond physical healing as such, because the deeper we probed the more surely we discovered the reality of the spirit of man functioning through consciousness, and that thoughts were indeed living things. Out of this research into human behavior patterns, the causes of mental and spiritual disease, attitudes in relation to problems, etc. came the need to share our experience with others in a very humble but, we believe, very simple and accurate teaching method.
With all this in mind I would like to emphasize that any comment made on these questions can only be offered in a very humble and inadequate way. Truth in all the facets and aspects of human behavior, spiritual principles, and prayer recedes into infinity. One reaches a position of understanding only to realize immediately that there is a new horizon beyond. Like attempting to