Harry Edwards, one of the great healers of the world, was President of The National Federation of Healers in England and founder of the famed Healing Sanctuary, in Surrey, England. A distinguished author and lecturer, he practiced spiritual healing for over forty years. His case book abounds with the names of some of the most distinguished men and women in their various spheres, as well as thousands of others who responded to his remarkable healing powers. “Spiritual healing," he says, “no longer needs to be proven. It is factually established through the healing of the incurable.”
He has conducted experiments in mass healing, absent healing, and in his own life lives the principles, simple yet profound, that govern all spiritual healing.
When asked how much of his amazing results are due to faith healing, he spoke of the natural healing intelligence of the body. "The body can lose its incentive when the illness becomes an accepted part of life and taken for granted. The healing purpose is to awaken within the patient's spirit the desire to be well. Any kind of faith is valuable here in sustaining the belief that it is possible to get well and thereby stimulating the bodily intelligence to get active and overcome body disharmony."
Harry Edwards' deep sincerity and thousands of welldocumented healings brought streams of people from all over the world to his Healing Sanctuary. He also carried on a world-wide correspondence in which he demonstrated that healing at a distance is effective.