somewhere deep within us, we know through our intuitive natures, when we are needed or called upon.
One of my dear friends and apprentices was ready to deliver her first child. She could not find me in the physical anywhere, and this was to be my godchild. Remembering my words to her of not becoming too dependent on physical contact for communication, she took a crystal I had given her for that purpose and called to me. That night, she dreamed my presence took her in a cave and taught her how to birth in a spiritual manner, so the child's life would be blessed in both the natural and spiritual worlds. When we spoke of it, I knew she had received all of the ceremony in the dream. She even remembered such an elusive concept as tying a blue heron or eagle feather loosely in a tree overnight, that if it is there at dawn, the spirits of wind and night have kissed it, stars have infused it with light, Grandmother Moon has blessed it with her shining.
How can we know the many instances in which we cross the confines of time and space because we are tuned to the needs of another. Can a patient at a distance and unaware of the healer's efforts on his behalf be healed?
There are ways of doing healing at a distance that do not require the cooperation of the one who is out of harmony. However, the awareness of the one in need of healing is most helpful, especially when there is a lifethreatening situation. In a crystal healing ceremony a picture or drawing of the person or event or even the name written on a piece of paper is all that is needed. Can unconscious people, babies and animals, be healed by the efforts of the healer?
In a medical sense, a person is considered unconscious if his eyes are unfocused, with no visible responses, and