yearly Pratikraman is called Samvatsari and the scriptures indicate that all Jains
must do Samvatsari Pratikraman.
Spiritual Meanings Behind the Items Used in Samavika and Pratikraman
Katasanu : It is also known as Asan. Katasanu means the piece of mat on which one sits. It should be of white wool. It insulates the body from losing the energy that is generated due to the practice of Samayika. It protects subtle mobile living beings underneath. The white colour promotes peace and enhances the spiritual environment.
Charavalo: is used to gently clean the floor (to make the space free of subtle living beings) before setting Katasanu on the floor. Charavalo is also used to sweep the floor before stepping on it, and for necessary movements during the Samavika or Pratikraman. Its spiritual meaning is to remind us that we need to clean our soul from all karma particles. It reminds us of non-violence. Its wooden handle is 24 fingers long. Its white-wool strings are 8 fingers long, to remind us that we are entrapped in the worldly existence (journey of misery) because of the eight main karma. Charavalo and Muhapatti, both constantly remind the aspirant that he/she is in Samayika and exercise equanimity during the Samayika.
Six Essentials Avashyak
Muhapatti : It is a small piece of white cloth folded in a particular way, used in front of the mouth about 2 to 3 inches away while reciting Samayika Sutras. Because of Muhapatti, one becomes careful about what he/she speaks, and stops him/her from saying lies and making provocative and non